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24V 2.5A adapter
$18.00 $15.60
The Wireless out of band management USB stick
$22.00 $14.00
PowerLINK Cambium Patch Cable for 8W 24V Battery POE WIFI or 15W 24V Battery POE WIFI Cable for Cambium devices For swap power, necessary for 24V Cambium device
$15.00 $11.00
A simple solution for mounting the RB4011 in public locations to avoid accidental unplugging of cables.
$12.00 $10.40
A power injector that can be mounted on a wall
$11.00 $9.24
Dual-band screw-on outdoor antenna
$9.00 $8.80
1m SMA male to SMA male cable
$9.00 $7.40
U.fl - SMA female pigtail
$9.00 $7.40
quickMOUNT-X – additional axis for pole-mounting SXTsq devices
$3.00 $2.52